Quix Labs

Annual Summit 2024

QLAS 2024

Quix Labs Annual Summit 2024
401 Broadhollow Rd, Melville
New York, NY 11747
United States

About QLAS24

Join us for the inaugural Quix Labs Annual Summit, a pivotal three-day event bringing together industry leaders, shareholders, and innovators in the smoking alternatives space. Hosted at the iconic Sbarro Building on Long Island, this summit promises to be a cornerstone event for our company and the broader industry.

Throughout the summit, attendees will have the opportunity to experience our flagship product, Quixotic, and learn about its unique position in the market. Interactive displays and demos will showcase our commitment to empowering users on their journey towards a smoke-free life.

This exclusive event is designed to provide unparalleled insights into Quix Labs' operations, foster valuable connections, and chart the course for our continued growth and impact in the smoking alternatives industry.

A Brief Statement From The Founder And CEO Of Quix Labs...

Dear Stakeholders,

I am thrilled to welcome you all to our inaugural Quix Labs Annual Summit. This gathering represents a significant milestone for our company, bringing together our key stakeholders under one roof to celebrate our achievements, share our learnings, and chart our path forward.

The past few months have been transformative for Quix Labs as we've witnessed Quixotic officially hit the shelves. This journey from concept to market has been both challenging and rewarding, and I'm immensely proud of what we've accomplished together.

This three-day summit has been planned to cover all key facets of our company. We'll dive deep into industry insights, engage in crucial board and shareholder meetings, and present compelling investor opportunities. It's a comprehensive look at where we've been, where we are, and where we're headed.

I want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible hard work that has gone into making this summit a reality. From our dedicated team members to our supportive investors and partners, every individual has played a crucial role in bringing us to this point.

We are incredibly honored to be working with such a diverse and talented group of individuals. Your expertise, commitment, and shared vision for a smoke-free future have been instrumental in our success thus far.

As we gather here, I'm reminded of the impact we're making. We're not just selling a product; we're offering a choice, a path to better health, and a innovative solution to a global challenge. The positive feedback from pharmacies and users alike has been overwhelming and motivating.

Looking ahead, we have exciting plans for expansion, new product developments, and increased market penetration. This summit is an opportunity for us to align our vision, strengthen our strategies, and inspire each other to reach new heights.

I encourage each of you to engage fully in the discussions, share your insights, and help shape the future of Quix Labs. Your perspectives are invaluable as we continue to innovate and grow.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our mission. Together, we are revolutionizing the smoking alternatives industry and making a real difference in people's lives.

I look forward to connecting with each of you over the next three days. Let's make this summit a launchpad for our next phase of growth and impact.

Here's to a successful and inspiring Quix Labs Annual Summit!

Thank You,

Zachary Starr
Founder and CEO, Quix Labs

What's Happening?

The Quix Labs Annual Summit 2024 is set to be a landmark event in our company's journey. Over three action-packed days, we'll delve into every aspect of our business and the wider industry. Day one kicks off with industry insights, featuring keynote speeches from health experts and discussions about the future of the industry followed by an investor pitch in the evening. Day two focuses on our internal operations, with board and shareholder meetings, strategic planning sessions, and exclusive previews of upcoming innovations. We'll wrap up on day three with investor presentations, showcasing our financial projections and impact on public health. Throughout the summit, attendees will have hands-on experiences with Quixotic, our flagship product, and ample networking opportunities. This event is not just a celebration of our achievements, but a platform to shape the future of smoking alternatives and cement Quix Labs' position as an industry leader.

Day 1: Industry Insights and the Future of the Industry

The opening day of the Quix Labs Annual Summit focuses on the dynamic landscape of smoking alternatives and cessation, with a particular emphasis on the European market.

We kick off with a comprehensive overview of the e-cigarette industry, exploring the latest research, regulatory shifts, and evolving consumer preferences. Our expert speakers will delve into how products like Quixotic are reshaping harm reduction strategies and meeting the changing needs of users.

The discussion then broadens to encompass the wider spectrum of smoking alternatives. We'll examine emerging technologies beyond vaping, including heated tobacco products and nicotine pouches, positioning Quixotic within this diverse ecosystem.

The European pharmacy industry takes center stage as we analyze current trends and future opportunities. We'll highlight the pivotal role of pharmacies in public health initiatives, particularly in smoking cessation, and how Quixotic is uniquely positioned to support these efforts.

The day concludes with investor presentations, where our executive team will showcase Quix Labs' financial performance, growth strategy, and market projections. We'll emphasize our strong partnerships with pharmacies, our plans for European expansion, and our vision for the future of smoking alternatives.

This opening day sets the stage for in-depth discussions on how Quix Labs is not just participating in the industry but actively shaping its future through innovation, strategic partnerships, and a deep understanding of user needs.

Day 2: Stakeholders Meetings

The second day of our Annual Summit is dedicated to critical corporate governance matters and strategic planning sessions, providing a comprehensive overview of Quix Labs' current position and future direction.

We begin with the Board of Directors meeting, where key strategic decisions will be deliberated and voted upon. This session will cover our financial performance, market positioning, and long-term growth strategies.

Following this, we transition to the Shareholders Meeting. This is an opportunity for our valued shareholders to gain detailed insights into the company's operations, financial health, and future projections. We encourage active participation and look forward to addressing your questions and concerns.

The afternoon session features a meeting with our esteemed Advisory Board. These industry experts and thought leaders play a vital role in refining our strategies and keeping us at the forefront of innovation in the smoking alternatives market.

As we approach the evening, our CEO, Zachary Starr, will deliver the keynote address on the "State of the Corporation." This presentation will provide a candid and comprehensive overview of Quix Labs' achievements, challenges, and vision for the future.

We conclude the day with a formal dinner, offering an excellent opportunity for networking and further discussions in a more relaxed setting.

Day 3: Investor Showcase and Executive Panel

The final day of our Annual Summit is dedicated to engaging with potential investors and providing an in-depth look at Quix Labs' value proposition and growth trajectory.

We begin with a comprehensive investor presentation, tailored for outside investors who are considering partnering with Quix Labs. This presentation will cover:

  • Our unique market position in the smoking alternatives industry
  • Detailed financial performance and projections
  • Growth strategy and expansion plans
  • Product pipeline and innovation roadmap
  • Key partnerships and market opportunities

Day 3: Continued

Following the presentation, we transition to an engaging Q&A session with our distinguished panel of founders, executives, and board members. This session will be expertly moderated by Anthony Musacchio, Investor and Managing Partner of AJM Venture Group.

The panel discussion provides an invaluable opportunity for potential investors to:

  • Gain deeper insights into our business model and strategy
  • Understand the vision and expertise driving Quix Labs
  • Explore potential synergies and collaboration opportunities
  • Address any questions or concerns directly with our leadership team

To facilitate networking and continued discussions, a buffet-style lunch will be served. This informal setting allows for more personal interactions between our team and potential investors, fostering relationships that we hope will lead to fruitful partnerships.

This final day of the summit is designed to showcase the full potential of Quix Labs, demonstrating why we are a compelling investment opportunity in the rapidly evolving smoking alternatives market. We look forward to engaging discussions and the potential to welcome new partners into the Quix Labs family.

Reserve Your Spot Now!

Whether you are an active investor, potential investor, or an existing member of the team, you are not going to want to miss out on this opportunity to see how Quix Labs is changing the world. Register below for invites and more information on attending QLAS ’24.